Cold War Conversations

Sue Boyd - Deputy Head of Mission at the Australian Embassy in East Berlin (151)



Sue Boyd has been the head of Australian diplomatic missions in Fiji, Hong Kong, Vietnam and Bangladesh. She also had postings at the United Nations in New York and in the former East Germany. Sue was posted to East Germany in 1976 and tells of her work, friendships, and life as a single woman in the diplomatic community of 1970s East Berlin. She reveals the fascinating contents of her Stasi file, detailing the intense surveillance she was under as well as confirmation of some of her suspicions, but also there are some surprising revelations too.  Buy Sue's book and support the podcast here Now it does take a lot of effort and expense to produce the podcast and I could really do with some help to support my work. So if you want to really help preserve Cold War history then for only about $3, £3 or €3 per month you can help keep us on the air (larger amounts are welcome too) plus you can get a sought after CWC coaster as a monthly financial supporter and bask in the warm glow of knowin