Finding Mastery: Conversations With Michael Gervais

Strengthen Your Self Esteem: Insights on Belonging and Social Approval | Dr. Mark Leary



In a world increasingly obsessed with self-image and social validation, how do we truly understand the role of self-esteem in our lives? Is it merely a reflection of our ego? What purpose does it serve?These questions form the core of our conversation with Dr. Mark Leary, a former professor of psychology and neuroscience at Duke University, who retired after 39 years of teaching, publishing 14 books and 250+ scholarly articles and chapters on topics such as social motivation, emotion, and self-relevant thought.Mark is also a disruptor – and that’s not usually a word we associate with professors of psychology and neuroscience. But in this case it’s appropriate because Mark’s sociometer theory didn't just make waves; it created a whole new ocean in the field of psychology. This was a groundbreaking idea that redefined self-esteem. It's a perspective that turned heads and opened minds in a way that challenged academics and practitioners alike.In this episode, we peel back the layers on how to reshape your self-e