Truth Be Told

Soulstice Serenity: Embracing The Sacred Stillness of Winter Solstice



In a podcast conversation between Tony Sweet and Laura Cantu, the significance of the Winter Solstice and its effects on individuals are discussed. The Winter Solstice, which marks the beginning of winter and is the shortest day of the year, is seen as a time of rebirth and increasing light. Physically, the decrease in daylight can disrupt sleep and affect melatonin production. Spiritually, it is a time for introspection and personal growth. The principles of Yin and Yang are explored, with Yin representing darkness and rest, and Yang representing brightness and activity. The Winter Solstice is associated with the kidney and bladder meridians in Chinese medicine, and supporting these organs through warm foods and self-care is important. The conversation also touches on dealing with grief and stress during the holiday season, suggesting the use of herbs and practices like drinking green tea. The speakers emphasize the idea that there is no separation between the living and the deceased, and that the Winter Sol