Weekly Zohar Study

VaYeḥi 5784 (2023)



The coming of the End of Days according the Zohar on Parashat VaYehi is coming true before our eyes. Crises and disasters, the time when the care of the Creator of the world is hidden, are the times to build the vessel that enables the discovery of the light of redemption. The war in Gaza is part of a large scale process of the collapse of the old world and the birth of a new world, this is only the beginning. This is the war against Amalek, the Pure Evil to sanctify and glorify the name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the world, against all the false gods of the last two thousand years. Every person as well as every collective must go through processes in order to grow and develop. The greatness of a person or public is measured by the understanding of the processes, by patience and creativity. The human race is at a critical juncture. The great forces that press humanity to change put us in great distress, pain, and existential torment. Only kindness and giving, unity, and unconditional love can t