Cursing Cousins

Battle of the Sexes



See you sent your representative and I'm Not interested in him Battle of the sexes your rhetoric offends Rewinding and rewinding their plays like NFL film competitions for commitment I condemn When did it all get so clinical black and white when did we all get a mic to fight about what’s right can we silence the egos enough hear one another to build something not mention who belongs in the kitchen and just listen not demanding submission and rocks that glisten And Just listen what’s for you isn’t for me And spoonfuls of salt isn’t meant to eat I’m not indulging or picking a side I’m just saying what’s for my eyes is my prize No one’s convictions can make me pick one I’m my own spokesperson While y’all busy dividing the pot and setting alpha positions the other side is clapping for the revisions and constant indecision drafts after drafts after drafts and the power in the family unit is what’s missing I’m no hotep but whose getting the last laugh while your on your thesis pontificating Their dissertation compl