Critical Strike

Critical Music 21: The Best of CM



I've been thinking of what I can do with Critical Music as of late and with the guests all working on theirs I decided to throw my hat into doing another one while we wait for their work. The problem that came with that was, I couldn't think of what to do for a new episode until faithful listener Paul suggested we do a "best of" episode of Critical Music. After some mulling over that idea, I decided I'm self righteous enough to justify it and started the process right away! Music in this episode: Lost Odyssey, Paza, Ninja Gaiden, Uncharted, Street Fighter IV, Unreal Tournament, SSX Tricky, GripShift, Dr. Szliszka, Trash80, Start Over, Mizuki's Last Chance, We Are Error, The Smash Brothers, The Megas, Maniac Mansion, Mellogear, Silent Hill 3, Shatter, Shadow Warrior You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike