Critical Strike

Critical Strike 58: The Southern Adventure



Now I have to apologize for this episode being a week late but here's the deal, my upcoming work schedule forces me to work every other Saturday until the end of the month. So by me holding this back a week it allowed us to reset the two week recording schedule so it falls on the weekends I don't have to work on, so I hope you all understand! Since that's out of the way, this episode was fun because it was good to have Kyle back, we kind of missed each other since last month's Funspot trip and his vacation. Here's what we discussed: Kyle's trip to his vacation, Final Fantasy XIII, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Halo ODST, Crackdown 2, Max and the Magic Marker, Killing Floor, Left 4 Dead 2. Music in this episode: Samurai Showdown, Crackdown You can reach us at, leave a voicemail at (909) 278-7453 or Twitter at criticalstrike