Purple Patch Podcast

Episode 296: Looking Ahead - Q1 / The Build Phase



As we approach the holiday season, it's a great opportunity to reflect on the past and plan for the future. We can take time to review the year that has passed and think about what worked well and what didn't. At the same time, we can set goals for the future and create a roadmap for transformation and self-improvement.  In this episode of the Purple Patch Podcast, IRONMAN Master Coach Matt Dixon takes a look back and reviews the progress we have made during the “offseason” training phase while providing a practical plan for navigating the coming months, which we at Purple Patch call “Q1 - the build phase.” Matt highlights what success looks like on a performance journey, regardless of your skill level or goals, and provides important strategies to employ during the build phase. These strategies aim to help you have a successful first three months of the year and help establish a foundation for achieving your goals and becoming a higher-functioning human being throughout the year. Episode Timestamps 00:00 - 0