Member Supported Restoration Radio

Behind the Lodge Door, Episode 3: An Amazing Discovery



In this Episode 3 of “Behind the Lodge Door,” hosts, Dan and Damo - who both attend Mary Help of Christians mission that provides the Traditional (Tridentine) Latin Mass to faithful Catholics throughout Australia - review the Preface and Part 1(first two chapters) of the book. Included is an excerpt from a topical JFK speech and a host of other topics such as the infamous Albert Pike and a discussion on the Knights Templar. Jimmy pops-in to say g’day to the boys and shares his knowledge of Freemasonry with the listeners (not to be missed!) The Freemasons are arguably, the greatest modern-day enemy of the True Catholic Church and this “Behind the Lodge Door” series provides listeners with a deeper awareness of the evils of this condemned secret society. “Join us on this journey - we never thought such a serious topic could be so much fun!” (Dan and Damo) Show Notes: If you wish to purchase Behind the Lodge Door (by Paul A. Fisher) to follow along with the program, it may be purchased at True Restoration Pres