Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Who Are You Paying to be in Your Life? [Ep.768]



On Today’s show, we will identify the people in our lives that we pay to be in our lives. Our doctors, lawyers, accountants, and therapists are just a few examples of the people we pay to be in our lives. We pay these people to help us in our lives. We need to identify who these people are and be confident that they have our best interests in mind, often we lose sight of this. We need to make sure that the people we are paying and giving power to in our lives are there for us and give us the best possible care, advice, and interest in our lives. We need to understand why we chose these people to help us, and what it is that causes us to stick with them when they may not be the best choice for us. We give them power and hope they do the right thing. We must find people that share some of our values.