The Dad Edge Podcast (formerly The Good Dad Project Podcast)

Optimizing Sleep, Sex, and Hormones with Dr. Doug Lucas



Dr. Doug Lucas is a double board certified physician specializing in metabolic health, hormone optimization for both men and women, as well as osteoporosis. He is known for his innovative approach in patient care, leveraging his expertise to improve longevity and vitality​ In this episode, Dr. Doug Lucas shares his journey into the medical field as an orthopedic surgeon specializing in foot and ankle. He discusses the significance of diseases that impact feet, such as diabetes, and the importance of nutrition and aging. After seven years, he transitioned into pursuing additional training to focus on these areas. The episode delves into the topic of nutrient-poor, calorie-dense food and its impact on our health. Larry Hagner and Dr. Doug Lucas discuss how our diet has evolved over the past century, transitioning from simple, locally sourced foods to highly processed and calorie-dense options. This shift was initially driven by the need to transport food into cities and support a growing population. However, wh