Kids Ministry Collective

Kids Ministry Collective 267 I’ve Got BIG questions and How to Ask Them?



Are you asking the right questions as a Childrens ministry Leader? If we are going to grow the kids ministries we lead and our teams, we as leaders must grow our ability to ask questions.  Join Host and KMC Coach, Tom Bump as he shares 10 questions along with 2 follow-up questions you can ask yourself and other ministry leaders.          Main Question Follow-Up Question 1 Follow-Up Question 2 1. Am I effectively communicating my vision and expectations to my volunteer team? - How often am I communicating with my team about the vision and expectations? - Are my messages clear and easily understood by all team members? 2. How can I create an environment that fosters collaboration and teamwork among my volunteers? - Do I promote open communication and active participation within the team? - What can I do to encourage cooperation and support among team members? 3. Am I regularly providing constructive feedback and recognition to my volunteer team? - How frequently am I giving feedback and recognition to my team m