Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Alcohol Abuse by Police, From PTSD. After The Badge.



Alcohol Abuse by Police, From PTSD. After The Badge. In the aftermath of a career in law enforcement, officers often grapple with unspoken dangers and damage that extend beyond the visible challenges of the job. Patrick Cullinan, a retired law enforcement officer, sheds light on the rarely discussed aftermath of police and sheriff careers—issues ranging from alcohol abuse to the shadows of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Unveiling the Silent Perils and Consequences of Law Enforcement: Confronting Alcohol Abuse, Life After the Badge and Battling PTSD. Cullinan candidly shares his personal journey, navigating through the treacherous terrains of drinking, depression, divorce, and the ominous days that follow the removal of the badge. His experiences underscore the often overlooked struggles faced by those who have served in law enforcement, revealing the profound impact on mental health and personal relationships. However, Cullinan not only delves into the darkness but also illuminates a path to recovery.