Power Line

The Three Whisky Happy Hour: In Context



The cleaning crew is still scrubbing the blood off the floor from last week's cage match about Ukraine and January 6, and already Ali and Frazier (that is, Lucretia and John) want to go for a sequel—maybe "Rumble in the Faculty Club Food Court" or something. (And yes, since we recorded in the morning instead of evening happy hour like we are supposed to, talk turned to McDonald's and breakfast meats. Steve blames John for McDonald's stock slumping this week while the broad market had a monster rally.)While we await Don King's promotion for Cage Match 2 next week, we devote this episode to catching up on the other news of the moment, especially the rot in higher education as fully revealed by last week's ignominious appearance of the presidents of three Poison Ivy League universities (boy did we call it or what). But then we also note the curious legal cases that popped up this week, especially Jack Smith's Hail Mary pass to the Supreme Court to try Trump as soon as possible, but the equally inside-out coverag