Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 171: Christmas Series Part 4 - The Enemy Shows Up When You Are Close!



You’ve been following the sign God has been leading you with, and you are searching and searching and searching. You ask around, “Where is it? Where is the house, the spouse, the thing that God has TOLD me He is guiding me to?” And then you hear it: the voice of Herod, telling you where to go, and he asks you to come back to him when you find it. The voice of the enemy. Herod told the magi where they would find the King of the Jews, and he asked them to return to tell him where Jesus is so he can find Him and “worship” Him. The enemy sent the magi in the right direction. The magi were ONLY 5 miles away from the place where Jesus was. Herod was RIGHT with his directions. When the enemy’s voice enters the scene, do not give up and do not return to him after you reach the destination that God is ultimately leading you to. You are so close.    Monologue: Autumn shares how she and Eddie are hiding presents from their kids this year.  Message: Autumn urges believers who are following their sign from the Lord that t