Edible Activist Podcast

#147: Plate to Passion: JuJu Harris on Culinary Education & Well-being



Join us as we chat with Juliet "JuJu" Harris, a culinary expert and organic gardener. Inspired by her father's successful management of health conditions through diet and exercise, JuJu emphasizes the accessibility of preparing affordable, healthy meals, drawing on her experiences as a self-taught cook and recipient of food assistance benefits. Culinary education takes center stage in JuJu's work, recognized as a transformative tool for expanding food access and community health. Her community cooking classes address practical topics like eating well on a budget and post-partum nutrition, providing invaluable advice for new mothers. JuJu's cookbook, "Healthy and Homemade: Eating Well On A Budget," now in its third edition, has evolved to meet the dynamic needs of her audience. Discover more about JuJu Harris and her mission at www.nanajujurocksfood.com. Tune in for a enlightening discussion on the synergy of health, food, and community in this episode of Edible Activist!