

“Good habits happen when planned; bad habits happen on their own.” ~M. GrunburgThis Habits 2 Goals episode is FREE for ALL subscribers.Refining Thought & Character HabitsFrequently Asked Friday: PARR (PLAN, ACT, RECORD & REASSESS) is great for developing ‘planned’ habits. How can I develop thought and character habits such as being more assertive? Especially since I don’t know when those opportunities will arise.P.A.R.R. Lite: One Savored Moment at a TimeWhile PARR excels at shaping physical habits, its latest sibling, PARR Lite (soon to be released in the app), empowers you to refine your inner diamond – your character– via thought and behavior habits. Take assertiveness, a potential virtue often hidden beneath layers of self-doubt. One app user asked the very question above.PARR Lite, soon to be released, will help strengthen these with each mindful moment.Imagine setting a daily threshold of “3 assertive actions.” Upon waking, PARR Lite whispers, “Be mindful of opportunities to speak up.” At work,