Overdue Finds

150. Die Hard



Yippee-ki-yay! It's Christmas time once again and this year, Die Hard is celebrating its 35th anniversary. Bryce and Caroline are joined by Michael Lauritsen from EPL's Mill Woods branch to talk about Die Hard, its sequels, video games it inspired, and the entire movie genre that popped up around the concept of Die Hard. We also finally settle the debate about whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie.  Be sure to check out our list of all the titles that we talk about on this episode.  After you check out this episode of Overdue Finds, tell your friend about the show! We're sure they would love to listen, too. Remember to review us on Apple Podcasts and share your favourite Christmas picks with us at podcast@epl.ca, or on Twitter (X) using #eplOverdueFinds.