Two Judgey Girls




Did you know that the RHOP women are in Austin? You might not have as they've spent a LOT of time in the hotel. Who swallows? Who pees? Who wants to paint their lady parts? Karen is working overtime trying to mend this cast but if they can't get along, then we need a shake up! We catch up with our RHOSLC girls in Bermuda and can’t help but feel bad for Monica on her birthday. Did her mom really call off her family visit? Did the family not want to be filmed? Is there even family in Bermuda?! If Monica is acting, give this woman an Oscar! We are dying to know why the entire cast isn’t talking to her anymore because they sure rallied around her this episode. Monica talked about the DMs to Lisa, who told Angie, who asked about it to Monica, who brought it up to Meredith and you keep the Katsanevas family name out of your mouth! How will Meredith get out of this one? How does it get turned around on Monica? God we love this franchise! Come judge with us!You can find us:Instagram & Threads: @twojudgeygirlsFace