Tech Talk Y'all

New stuff is coming, just not to you



Brought to you by TogetherLetters & Edgewise! In this episode:  How Mark Cuban forced the biggest US pharmacy to upend its business Engineers Shatter Fiber Optic Speed Record at 22.9 Petabits Per Second Google Fiber is offering early access to $250 per month 20-gig service OLED breakthrough could mean cheaper TVs Bose discontinues its Frames line of smart glasses. Tesla again threatens to sue Cybertruck buyers who try to resell the cars There’s a new iMessage for Android app — and it actually works Apple cuts off Beeper Mini's access after launch of service that brought iMessage to Android Some Android phones can automatically send medical data during 911 calls Google launches Gemini, the AI model it hopes will take down GPT-4 Google’s best Gemini AI demo video was fabricated Federal jury says Google’s app store violated antitrust law  Epic win: Jury decides Google has illegal monopoly in app store fight