C View Quantum Network

12/8 C View The Shift of the Ages: Biofield Clearing our Way into 2024 with Jane



"Embracing the Shift of the Ages: How Biofield Clearing Facilitates Humanity's Transition to 2024" call (805) 830-8344 - Shortlink: http://tobtr.com/12285190 In this episode, Dr. Jane Smolnik Boyd delves into the powerful connection between Biofield Clearing and the transformative shift of the ages. What makes this episode truly unique is that Dr. Jane will be using her Biofield Clearing technique during the show. This means that live transformation will occur for anyone listening, whether live or during the replay. As we enter 2024, Dr. Jane explores how her technique can help individuals align with the energetic shifts taking place and elevate their consciousness. Listeners will gain practical insights and tools to enhance their spiritual and energetic well-being. Join us as we embark on a journey of self-discovery and collective elevation, experiencing profound transformation in real-time. This topic would allow Jane to explore how her Biofield Clearing technique can assist individuals in raising