
[Bonus] Is Black Friday right for your brand?



Last year, an estimated 13.8 million Aussies spent around $5 billion dollars over the 4-day Black Friday period. That’s a whopping lot of cash, and it represents a huge opportunity for product-based businesses. If you're a founder and want to get in on this sales opportunity, but are unsure how to go about it, this episode is for you. We chat with digital marketing and e-commerce expert Gabriella Singh about how to design and deliver your best Black Friday campaign ever.You'll learn: How to design your epic Black Friday offer How to set sales targets and allocate your marketing spend How to design a creative campaign that lives across all stages of the marketing funnel - from awareness, to consideration, through to purchase ~ Connect with us ~If you need a little more help, we've designed a Black Friday Crash Course to help you deliver your campaign and have your best sales weekend ever! Access the course at up for our non-spammy monthly newsletter: www.ladybrains.