
Alison Rice - Offline



We first interviewed Alison Rice back in 2018. At the time, Alison was a Group Publisher of Allure Media, and at the very end of our chat she told us about the soon-to-be launch her own podcast.That podcast is Offline, and since we spoke 3 years ago, Alison quit her high-flying corporate role and has built Offline into a brand with a cult following that offers the podcast, events, online courses, coaching and more. In this chat you’ll learn:   Why Alison is bringing a business partner on board to help her take Offline to the next level  Why Alison’s business strategy is built around listening, then responding  The tensions that exist as a business owner between letting things unfold vs. pushing forward  Why Alison carves out time for her to retreat, reflect and think, as well as time to create and launch her ideas  How she deals when she gets caught in the comparison trap  Why she believes that she’s currently earning trust from her audience rather than earning money    ~ Connect with us ~Sign up for our non-