
Grace Lillian Lee & TJ Cowlishaw - First Nations Fashion & Design



Grace and TJ are the brains behind First Nations Fashion and Design, a not-for-profit organisation that creates opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people within the fashion industry. They made history at Afterpay Australian Fashion Week in 2021 as the first ever indigenous show to be part of the fashion week program.  You’ll learn:   How their runway show generated 65% of all Fashion Week media coverage, reaching over 77 million people.  How they pulled off AAFW with just 4 months to prepare   How they make their business partnership work when they live on opposite sides of the country  How it’s taken over a decade of hard work and resilience to get to where they are  Why their impact drives every single decision they make   Find us at  Follow us on Instagram @lady.brains Chat to us in the Facebook group, the lady-brains clubhouse  Have a sweet business idea but unsure if it has potential? Sign up for the free 'Idea Validation Mini Course' here.  Learn more about you