
Sarah Neill - Mys Tyler



Today’s guest is Sarah Neill; she’s the founder of Mys Tyler, an online shopping and body positivity app which helps women find clothing for their unique shape and size, by connecting them with others who look like them.  Sarah came up with the idea after realising that she and her friends were returning most of the clothes they bought online because they simply didn’t fit, and over the last 5 years, Sarah has refined the concept, raised a $1M in pre-seed, and the app’s been downloaded over 80 thousand times across 100 countries. You’ll learn:  Why Sarah’s first entrepreneurial venture failed, despite the fact she had funding, traction and revenue  How Sarah managed to personally recover from this big business failure, and the lessons she’s applied to Mys Tyler  The impact that being an entrepreneur has taken on her personal and financial life  The marketing tactics that have played into her success, including using a simple ‘quiz’ lead magnet, and affiliate marketing.  During the fundraising and sales proces