
Paris Thomson - SIRAP



How do you make a name for yourself, as a young, ambitious creative? Today's guest is Paris Thomson, founder of video production studio SIRAP. SIRAP exists to solve creative and communication challenges for their clients through the power of moving imagery. Their client list is impressive; they work with brands like Lexus, Melbourne Symphony Orchestra, The Design Files, David Jones, and many more. Paris started the business at the ripe old age of 24, quickly learning that hassling and hustling was a successful way to open doors. She is an example of someone who has taken a creative passion, videography, and turned it into a commercially successful business. In this chat you'll learn: How Paris has built structure and process within a creatively-led business Why Paris believes hassling and hustling is the way to open doors How brands can integrate video content into their overall marketing plan Paris's approach to business development and sales (and why she loves doing deals over a wine) ~ Connect with us ~ Fi