
Kayla Houlihan - Tribe Skincare (Part 2)



We’re thrilled to have Kayla from Tribe Skincare back on the podcast! We first chatted in February 2021 at a time when she was embarking on a complete redesign of Tribe Skincare’s visual brand identity. In this follow-up chat, we learn how the branding project went $100k over budget, how Tribe had its first six figure sales day ever during the relaunch, how, after many conversations and negotiations, her dream retailer Mecca decided not to pick up the brand, and how Kayla took this rejection and used it to build out an entirely new arm to the business instead. You'll learn: The impact of going $100k over budget on cash flow, and where Kayla pulled back on spend across the rest of the business  Kayla’s new approach to influencer marketing, and why she’s investing more in content creation than paid posts  Why Kayla had to change the messaging and marketing around the rebrand after her customers responded differently than expected  How she cold emailed Jo Horgan, the founder of MECCA, which led to a series of me