
Dr. Amantha Imber - 'How I Work' Podcast



This episode is proudly brought to you by Eugene, Australia’s first end to end genetic counselling and testing service. To receive $50 off your first genetic test, use the code LADYBRAINS50 at checkout. Just head to to shop now.   How do the most successful people in the world manage their time, energy and relationships? Today’s guest is Dr Amantha Imber; organisational psychologist and the founder of behavioural science consultancy Inventium, host of the How I Work podcast and author of Time Wise, a guide to how the world’s most successful people dominate their day. You'll learn: What ‘work smarter, not harder’ actually means  How to stop being a slave to your inbox  The importance of understanding your chronotype in designing the most effective structure to your day (and your team’s too!)  How knowing your values can help you identify the right times to say no  How to overcome the planning fallacy  How to be aware of, and avoid, the Iceberg Yes  The difference between synchronous work and asy