5 Minute Italian

26: Dove sono le banane? How to ask for things in supermarkets



You’re at the supermarket in Italy, but you don’t know where anything is! Find out how to ask for things at the supermarket, and learn some important shopping vocabulary in this episode of 5 Minute Italian. Remember what you learnt in today's episode! To get free bonus materials, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-travel-phrases-supermarket/ Today’s words Il commesso = shop assistant Mi scusi = excuse me Dove sono = where are I carrelli = the trolleys Sono lì/là = they are there Lì/là = there All’entrata = at the entrance A = at (also to) La = the (for feminine nouns) "A" combines with "la" to give us “alla” = at the La banana = the banana (singular) Le banane = the bananas (plural) Con = with La frutta = the fruit Dov’è = where is La pasta = the pasta Di là = over there Signora = madam/ma’am Quale corridoio = which aisle? Vicino = near Vicino al pane = close to the bread A = to (also at) Il = the (for masculine nouns) "A" combines with "il" to give us "al"