5 Minute Italian

29: How to buy food at the market



No trip to Italy would be complete without a wander around the food market. In today’s lesson, learn how to buy food "al mercato" and review all the handy words and phrases we’ve been learning for buying food over the last 3 lessons. Learn to speak and understand Italian faster! To get free bonus materials for this episode, including a quiz and flashcards, visit our website: http://joyoflanguages.com/italian-travel-phrases-market/ Today’s words Mi dica = What can I get you? (literally “tell me”) Un etto = 100 grams Due etti = 200 grams Quattro etti = 400 grams Prendo = I’ll have (literally “I take”) Prendo quattro etti di Parmigiano = I’ll have 400 grams of Parmesan. Qualcos’altro = Anything else? Che cos’è quello? What’s that? Posso avere 300 grammi di provola = can I have 300 grams of provola? (you can also say tre etti) Basta così?/A posto così? = Is that everything? Posso avere un sacchetto? = Can I have a plastic bag? Quanto costa? Quanto viene? Quant’è? = how much does it cost? Posso pagare con la car