Live Your True Life Perspectives With Ashley Berges

Beware of the Arrogant Know It All, No Matter What Their Title [Ep.767]



Have you ever found yourself offering a suggestion, only to be quickly turned down? The feeling of being shut down can be very disheartening. Today I want to talk about a group of society that tends to gravitate toward individuals who think they know it all. However, the reality is that very few know it all. This same type of person also seems to gravitate toward others who are narcissistic in nature. The heart of the matter lies in the issue that they only take advice from supposed know-it-alls without wanting to consider input from anyone else. This behavior most likely comes from their upbringing and family dynamics. This behavior seems to work for these individuals because it is something they are accustomed to. What works for them is very frustrating to the rest of us who care about them. The frustration is evident when the responsibility of caring for these individuals falls on our shoulders, and they refuse to take advice from anyone outside of their chosen know-it-alls.