
AgriCulture: Getting Real



  TURKANA FARMS, LLC Green E-Market Bulletin December 3, 2023 Entourage of Affection: Doodle, Sophie and Pepsche up front, Orhan and Skunkie behind Photo by Mark Scherzer Getting RealHi All, Mark here."They're so calm and so healthy looking!" Steve's reaction to the atmosphere in the barn, while here on a brief visit last week, mirrored my sense of things. The sheep do seem remarkably robust, cooperative, orderly, and affectionate.These days, it's a joy to be with the sheep. If they are in the barn when I enter, it is entirely predictable that the two closest to my entry door will be Sophie, a four year old ewe, and Doodle, the by now well-known one year old wether. Both were bottle-fed as lambs. Both are positioned to greet me, looking for a nuzzle, a scratch on the cheek, a hello. They are sometimes accompanied by the senior wether, Orhan, middle aged ewes Pepsche or Skunkie, or one or both of the two oldest ewes in the flock, Nilufer and Lale, who are now past breeding age.Lately, before I