Glass Box Podcast

Ep 138 — Saints: The Standard of Truth-iness pt. 10 FINALE!



That’s right! We’re done!! But we have to get through the final 3 chapters before rounding it out and providing our conclusions. The new authoritative history of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is mostly what we expected; New Mormon History is dead and Saints: The Standard of Truth telegraphs an era of academic retrenchment. These chapters cover the assassination of Hyrum and Joseph Smith in Carthage and the immediate aftermath and succession crisis to get the church into the hands of Bloody Brigham Young. This has been a big project so if you’re a patron of the show who supported the project, check your feed for a special post for my entire 200+ pages of show notes generated for these episodes. Apologies in advance for all the typos. #TeamBryce, signing off.   ‘Destroying Angel’ Candle Scent War!!! Come pitch in your vote for your favorite scent! Are you #TeamShannon or #TeamBryce? Make sure to leave a review once you’ve received the candle and tried out the scent for yourself! https: