St Peters Orthodox Church

The Refreshing Conversation of the People of God



What comes from our soul and out of our mouth will have an impact not only on our own soul, but the souls of others around us. St. Paul in Ephesians 4 tells us "let no corrupt word come out of our mouth, but rather what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers." In the Didache we find these words, "Where the Lord's nature is discussed, there the Lord is. Every day you should seek the company of the saints to enjoy their refreshing conversation." Today in Advent, we ask the Lord to inspect what comes out of our mouths when we are in fellowship together. Do our words drain us and others, robbing one another of the peace of Christ that is there to be experienced? Or, is our conversation filled with Christ Himself, uplifting the souls of one another; ministering joy, His peace, and contentment to all?