Fsr Energy & Climate

The Brains Behind the Bank: Johanna Schiele on Renewable Hydrogen Auctions in Europe



In this FSR Podcast, Research Associate James Kneebone is joined by Johanna Schiele of DG CLIMA to discuss the recently launched 'European Hydrogen Bank' auction and the European Commission's approach to hydrogen financing moving forwards. Johanna is an auction design expert, and was instrumental in designing and implementing the European Hydrogen Bank, the first EU-wide auctions for renewable hydrogen production, financed via the Innovation Fund. Previous to joining the Commission, Johanna worked in the power sector and as a researcher on auctions and clean tech funding. She holds a BA from Oxford University and an MPA from Harvard University. Learn more about the European Hydrogen Bank https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/IP_23_5982 Submit a bid for the auction https://ec.europa.eu/info/funding-tenders/opportunities/portal/screen/programmes/innovfund