Ruach Breath Of Life

Delivered By Unseen Angels



Featuring an instrumental version of the beautiful hymn, ‘O Sons and daughters of the King,’ this track narrates specific miracles of deliverance Yahweh Mephalti did on behalf of two very different people: the British Prime Minister Winston Churchill and the faithful Romanian pastor, Richard Wurmbrand. Not all of us will know of the miracles God did to protect Churchill’s life: they are a great testimony to His power. And though most of us will know how the Lord preserved Richard Wurmbrand through many years of brutal imprisonment, we may not be familiar with the extraordinary story of how God used His servant’s time in prison to bless others even on the far side of the world by spreading the liberating message of the gospel in a most unusual way. In all such acts of deliverance, the Lord’s angels, His ministering spirits, play a vital role: not only through their extensive worship and service in the courts of Heaven but in the way they protect and enable us during our service for the Lord on Earth. May the