Sightshift With Chris Mcalister

Uncovering the Secrets of Impactful Leadership: Harnessing Balanced Impact



Welcome to Part 4 of the “Lead for Impact, Not Validation” series. Leadership, a continual test faced in circumstances, relationships, and ambitions, lacks a clear definition. Without standardized metrics, leaders often resort to validation over impact, guided by subjective measures of success.   Key Takeaways: Redefining Impact: Impact is not a singular score but a dynamic interplay of values, actions, and motives. Leaders must avoid overvaluing and undervaluing aspects based on personal insecurities. Balancing Values in Action: Your values drive your leadership, but understanding when to intensify or ease up on them is crucial. Striking a balance in values ensures you don't become a mere reflection of insecurities. Impact Equation: Impact is an equation - the sum of the right action and the right motive. A leader's actions can be overdone or underdone based on insecurities. The motive, why you take a particular action, shapes your leadership neurologically. 51% Rule for Motive: Achieving perfection in altru