Riot Act

173 - Riot Act Albums of the Year 2021 (20 - 16)



It’s the moooost won-der-ful tiiiiiiime, of the yeeeeear. Or rather, it would be, if Steve and Remfry weren’t tasked with re-listening to all their favourite music from the past year and attempting to put their favourite 20 albums into some arbitrary list of preference! Excessive sadfishing aside, 2021 has been an extraordinary year for new music and whittling it down to just 20 albums each has been a tougher task than ever (yes, we know we say that every year). We’re spreading the Riot Act Albums of the Year over 4 episodes this year, with this episode counting down from 20 - 16. On top of that, we take a look at our favourite EPs of the year. This podcast uses the following third-party services for analysis: Chartable -