Rocker Talker

Trash - RockSpill Magazine Interview



This is part 3 of a 10-part interview conducted by RockSpill Magazine from 2005. In this interview, Rocker Talker recounts his experience in the band 'Trash'. You might say he's talking trash as he tells of the fallout from the fans of another band named 'Trash', (that Rocker and his bandmates unknowingly gave their band the same name as), get very hostile and this leads to Rocker Talker, and his bandmates jumping from the frying pan into the fire!Rocker Talker lives for rock n roll and if he isn't talking about a group or a song he's talking about putting together a group or writing songs. Hey, rockers don't miss out on a single minute of hearing what Rocker Talker has to say! Click the link below to go to the Rocker Talker's website. Rocker Talker - Your Ultimate Rock n Roll Destination | Rocker Talker Podcasts, Rock N Roll Talk Videos and Celebrity Rock Icon Advertising,