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Optimize Your Health With Wearables – Insights on the Future of Healthcare | Google’s Senior Medical Lead, Dr. Kapil Parakh



Where are wearables leading us? In the dynamic, fast-paced world of health technology, what does the future hold? What possibilities can we unlock? How can we leverage the power of wearables to transcend mere physical tracking and genuinely enhance our psychological well-being?These questions form the perfect springboard for our conversation with Dr. Kapil Parakh, a renowned cardiologist and the Senior Medical Lead at Google. Kapil is more than a doctor, he’s a leader in the wearable movement with keen insight into current trends and future directions.Raised in Zambia and educated at Johns Hopkins, Kapil's diverse background infuses Silicon Valley innovations with the deep empathy of human-centered medicine. His trailblazing work is redefining healthcare and guiding us toward a healthier, more informed future.Kapil's forward-thinking approach spans multiple domains, and his impressive body of work includes the book, Searching for Health: The Smart Way to Find Health Information Online and Put It to Use. It’s