Justice Matters

Your Holiday Gift Guide with Human Rights in Mind



On this episode of Justice Matters, co-host Maggie Gates, Executive Director of the Carr Center, talks with Sarah Zoen, Associate Director at Pillar Two — an organization that advises businesses on human rights due diligence — about how to navigate shopping for the holidays while keeping human rights and ethical business practices in mind. Together, they offer online resources, best practices, and other tips to help with your holiday shopping.Here's a list of the resources mentioned in this episode:2022 Corporate Human Rights Benchmark by the World Benchmarking Alliance provides a comparative snapshot of 127 of the world’s largest and most influential companies in high-risk sectors. Their methodology considers companies’ policies, processes, and practices to obtain an overview of whether companies are implementing key expectations of the UNGPs. It also considers how companies would respond to serious human-rights-related allegations.2021 Gender Benchmark by the World Benchmarking Alliance provides a comparati