

Traveling abroad had such an impact on Rick early on, that he chose to dedicate his life to helping others see the world. In 1976, he launched Rick Steves’ Europe and, over time, built a travel empire along with a community of raving fans (including me!). His best-selling guidebook series, public television show, public radio show, syndicated travel column, small group tours, free resources, and other media all align with his core mission to help people get out and travel Europe. Rick has had a huge influence on me, both personally and professionally. His recommendations helped shape some of my early trips to Europe, ultimately leading to my life of travel. Rick also showed me it was possible to craft a career around my passion for helping others travel the world. Needless to say, he’s been a dream guest for me, and it was an absolute honor to chat with him and share this conversation with you today. What was your biggest takeaway from this episode? I'd love to hear your thoughts and hope you will share them