Truth Be Told

Did The Knight’s Templar Take The Holy Grail To Brazil?



In a podcast conversation between Tony Sweet and Kathleen Anne Ball, they discuss the presence of the Knights Templar in Brazil and other parts of South America. Kathleen shares her discovery of Templar artifacts and markings in Peru and Ecuador, indicating the Templars' extensive travels and buried treasure in various locations. The conversation also touches on the Templars' agenda of unity and a better world. The carvings found in the cave are believed to be a form of communication, possibly part of a secret language used by the Templars. The podcast highlights the lack of interest from the Brazilian government in the discovery, but the support from academia and Templar researchers. Kathleen mentions her near-death experience and her book on the subject. The conversation took place after Thanksgiving, and Tony invites Kathleen to speak at his paranormal festival. The podcast provides insights into the presence of the Knights Templar in South America and their potential influence on the region's history and