Autumn Miles Podcast

Episode 169: Christmas Series Part 2 - GOD GIVES US SIGNS. Just Ask.



King Ahaz was told BY GOD to ask for a sign. Ahaz's mistake was his response, "I will not ask, nor will I test the Lord." If God has told us time and time again throughout Scripture to ask for a sign, who are we to act higher than our need for His compassion? God WANTS to show us His compassion! He WANTS to give us a sign, as He has done countless times before throughout all creation's history. So ask for a sign, especially when the enemy warms you against it. Ask for a sign. God's compassion wants to bring you tangible peace.    Monologue: Autumn shares how her kids write their Christmas lists with their own spunk and quirks included in how they come up with what they want.  Message: Autumn points out why believers can and should ask God for signs and how asking Him for a sign is actually encouraged by God Himself. Question: “How do you navigate differing religious beliefs within your family at social gatherings?” Praise Report: A listener shares how God surprised her with growth and healing during a season