Attra - Sustainable Agriculture

Meet NCAT: Danielle Duni, Carbon Farm Planner for Woolgrowers in Wyoming



This episode of Voices from the Field introduces one of NCAT’s newest staff members. Danielle Duni recently joined NCAT as a Carbon Farm Planner who will aid Wyoming shepherds as they build profitable businesses and healthy landscapes.   Danielle shares her winding career path working with livestock across the western U.S. and her vision for ranchers “finding that interface where we can all work together to build resilient communities.” Also, Danielle and NCAT Grazing Specialist Linda Poole sketch the shape of the Climate Beneficial Fiber Partnership, a five-year program to provide technical assistance and cost-sharing to ranchers and farmers growing wool or cotton using climate-beneficial practices. With support from USDA’s Partnership for Climate-Smart Commodities, Danielle will lead NCAT’s work to build a better future for Wyoming woolgrowers and working lands. Related ATTRA Resources: ·        Climate Beneficial Practices ·        Growing Hope: Practical Tools for Changing Climate and Soils ·        Episo