Supreme Podcast

Decision - Obamacare Subsidies to Individuals in States Using Federal Healthcare Exchanges



On this episode, we review the four opinions of the Court issued on Monday this week:Horne v. Department of Agriculture - Whether the government's “categorical duty” under the Fifth Amendment to pay just compensation when it “physically takes possession of an interest in property,” applies only to real property and not to personal property.City of Los Angeles v. Patel - Does a hotel have an expectation of privacy under the Fourth Amendment in a hotel guest registry where the guest supplied information is mandated by law and that ordinance authorizes the police to inspect the registry?Kingsley v. Hendrickson - Whether the requirements of a 42 U.S.C. § 1983 excessive force claim brought by a plaintiff who was a pretrial detainee at the time of the incident are satisfied by a showing that the state actor deliberately used force against the pretrial detainee and the use of force was objectively unreasonable.Kimble v. Marvel Enterprises, Inc. - Whether the Court prior decision in Brulotte v. Thys Co., which had he