Finding Mastery: Conversations With Michael Gervais

‘Best Of’ Finding Mastery – How To Build High Performing Teams



To date, the Finding Mastery Podcast has been running for 8 years and for over 400 episodes. In that time, we’ve gained extraordinary insights and timeless wisdom from some of the top thinkers and doers in the world.While we have come to realize that there is no singular “golden thread” to how the best in the world operate – we’ve noticed some common themes, skills, and insights that many of these people have utilized on their path to mastery. And that’s why we’re so thrilled to bring you the all new Best Of Finding Mastery series. In each episode, we’ll take a deep dive into a specific skill or topic – pulling together the best insights and gems from years of interviews with the best in the world. These are tools and insights that have stood the test of time. For this inaugural episode, we’re highlighting conversations with a remarkable group of leaders who’ve made a game-changing impact leading high performing teams in the worlds of sports, branding, technology, retail, business and the military.