Law Enforcement Today Podcast

Police Shot On Car Stop, She Chased And Caught Them. Special Episode.



Police Shot On A Car Stop, She Chased And Caught Them. Special Episode. Police Officer Ann Marie Carrizales faced a harrowing incident when she approached a suspicious vehicle stopped at a green light in Texas. Engaging the driver in conversation, she was suddenly shot twice by the front passenger, once in the face and once in the chest. The shot to her face ricocheted off her cheek bone, exited, and nearly severed her ear lobe. Though her bulletproof vest thwarted the chest shot, it punctured her left chest. The assailants fled the scene. In the face of this traumatic attack, Officer Carrizales, a Marine Corps veteran, exhibited remarkable resilience. Despite her injuries, she fired four shots at the fleeing suspects, then pursued them in her patrol car. Maintaining composure, she provided crucial information to dispatch, guiding fellow officers to the suspects. The pursuit concluded at a Houston apartment complex, where the suspects abandoned their vehicle. Officer Carrizales, undeterred, apprehended one of