Happy Mama Movement With Amy Taylor-kabbaz

Ep#244 - MAMAQ - How to Value our Time Differently - with Linda Anderson



Welcome, beautiful souls, to another enlightening episode of "The Happy Mama Movement Podcast." Today we're going to dive into a topic that's close to my heart and, I'm sure, to the hearts of many of our listeners.You see,we have this incredible ability to see time through a different lens. We're masterful at prioritizing, and we've come to understand that quality often trumps quantity. We've embraced the art of flexibility, learned the fine balance of setting boundaries, and are wizards at time management.But here's the real magic - these skills, these treasures we've unearthed on our motherhood journey, they're not just for our role as moms. They're invaluable in our careers and businesses too. In fact, I'd venture to say that being a mother makes us extraordinary in the professional world.So, in today's conversation, we're going to explore how we, as mothers, value time differently and how that unique perspective enriches our professional lives. We'll talk about setting meaningful goals, leveraging support