St Peters Orthodox Church

The Fruit Born of a Self-Offering Life



Today the Blessed Virgin Mary is presented to the High Priest Zacharias by her parents Sts. Joachim & Anna at the Temple in Jerusalem as a young girl. There she would live a life of prayer and service to God. Even at an early age, she lived a life offering herself to the Lord. Her whole life is a picture of what we all have been rescued and redeemed by our Lord Jesus Christ to become; a people who respond to the love of God by offering their lives back to Him. As the Blessed Virgin offered herself to the will of God, the Lord made her His dwelling place for her salvation. And, because she lived this life of self-offering, salvation Himself came through her for the salvation of the souls of all who would receive her Son. The same is true for all of us. What wonders God would do in and through us if we follow in the Blessed Virgin's footsteps making our lives an offering to Christ in response to His great love for us.